HAGENS (7).png__PID:f0037d81-65b7-4b3c-8bcc-28cedb1a79aa
Add a subheading (2000 x 2000 px) (9).png__PID:3b29410c-0a00-4f38-ada4-f0037d8165b7
Add a subheading (2000 x 2000 px) (10).png__PID:410c0a00-df38-4da4-b003-7d8165b7cb3c

You will have 6 wooden components, a sheet of mesh, a sheet of ply or correx, and nails for assembly.

1. Fit parts 3, 4, 5 and 6 together with nails provided. some beekeepers like to fix with glue first for extra strength.

Add a subheading (2000 x 2000 px) (11).png__PID:0a00df38-2da4-4003-bd81-65b7cb3c0bcc
Add a subheading (2000 x 2000 px) (12).png__PID:df382da4-f003-4d81-a5b7-cb3c0bcc28ce
Add a subheading (2000 x 2000 px) (13).png__PID:2da4f003-7d81-45b7-8b3c-0bcc28cedb1a

2. Flip the floor over and simply slide the mesh (1) into the grooves of the frame. You can nail above the mesh into the wooden runner at an angle for extra security.

3. Take the ply or correx (2) and place into the groove in part 7. this can be fixed with glue, pins, nails or staples.

4. Slide the drawer into the base of your assembled floor and place your entrance block (8) on top of the floor to complete your floor.